Cities invited to join new Intelligent Cities Challenge
Cities will play a key role in the transition to a sustainable future. Whilst cities are one of the leading sources of carbon emissions and other environmental issues, they are crucially also taking a lead on finding solutions to these problems. Now a new support programme is aiming to help European cities make the transition to a greener, more social and smarter future.
The European Commission's Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) will provide support, guidance and advice to 100 cities across the EU to seize the opportunities of transitioning to green, smart, sustainable growth. This follows on from the success of the Digital Cities Challenge, which helped 41 cities across the EU capitalise on the growing potential of digital tools to make urban spaces more enjoyable for everyone.
The ICC will see 100 cities receive expert support and advice - in person, online, and as a community - through a series of measures, including mentoring, an online toolbox and networking events.
Advice and support is available to cities who wish to apply for the ICC through a series of webinars running throughout March.
The ICC opened for applications on 27 February. The final deadline for submissions is 6 April 2020.
For more information and criteria, please see the Intelligent Cities Challenge website.