Catalonia launches ‘’", a new on-demand transport service
The Catalan Government has announced the release of a new on-demand transport service called
Currently, the on-demand transport network of the Government of Catalonia is made up of 233 lines benefitting 733 areas of low population density distributed around the territory, with the collaboration of the local entities.
In 2019, a total of 44.997 trips were recorded, which represents an increase of 15.6%, compared to 2018. Moreover, this service is highly valued by the users as it represents an efficient way to guarantee access to health, social and service centres.
The brand responds to a transport model where modernisation and digitalisation are the key factors.
Traditionally, the reservation system of on-demand transport services worked through a phone call made 24 hours before the service. The Department of Territory and Sustainability has been working on the digitalisation of the system.
Therefore, nowadays, to improve the management and access to on-demand transport services, several iOs and Android applications have been developed that allow users to reserve a trip only 15 minutes before the use of the service.
The new brand will be incorporated into the vehicles, the leaflets, the bus stops and within the mobile applications.