Brokerage event for ERA-NET Transport Call
The aim of ERA-NET TRANSPORT (ENT) is to promote international research in the transport area. For that purpose the partner institutions provide financial support for international groups of research projects. Since April 29th, 2013, the first ENT-Flagship Call with a volume of 10 million Euros is open. This Call deals with "Future Travelling" and shall contribute to reducing emissions, to enhance sustainability of passenger and freight traffic in order to create a benefit for Europe. International researching groups can bring in innovative projects around the two topic areas "Future Vehicle Technologies" and "Traveller of the Future" until November 4th, 2013.
Those searching partners for their project idea or intersted to get inspired by the ideas of others have the opportunity to attend a kick-off and brokerage event in Brussels on June 13th. Registration is possible until May 29th, 2013. Participation is free of charge.
Further information and the agenda can be found on