
Answer UHasselt's survey on shared micromobility in the Brussels-Capital Region

UHasselt is currently exploring the potential of shared micromobility vehicles and drivers' experience and acceptance in the Brussels-Capital Region via an online survey - do you want to contribute to their research?

Led by MA student Spyridon Triantafyllos, the survey requires complete questionnaires based on a representative population sample.

While the impact of shared mobility on different aspects (including financial, environmental and purely transport-related) has been documented through various studies globally,  the survey highlights that “more research is needed on a city or regional basis and on emerging services,” (Shaheen et al., 2020).

The survey, which is completely anonymous, is active up until 30 April 2023. Participation is voluntary and the respondents have the right to discontinue their participation at any time during the reply process, without any justification or implication.

Answer the survey

To answer the survey, click the link below or scan the following QR code:

Answer the survey

In case of questions, you may contact Spyridon Triantafyllos ( and Supervisors Prof. Dr Muhammad Adnan:, Prof. Dr Wim Ectors: For any issues or other concerns regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact the Hasselt University data protection officer (