
A new mobility aid for all in the Toulouse subway

The project named "my picture-in-picture subway" (« mon métro d’image en image ») associates with each station a distinct, simple design, easily identifiable and nameable in one word.

Placed on the walls and on the platforms to identify the station, and above the exit doors to indicate the direction of the line, these symbols - associated with the name of the stations - constitute non-textual landmarks used by people who can not read or having difficulty remembering the steps of a move.

These visuals, now deployed in 48 subway stations, are the result of graphic design research carried out over 4 years as part of a partnership between Tisséo Collectivités and students of the BTS Graphic Design and Higher Diploma in Applied Arts from the Lycée des Arènes.

Two tools to help people with disabilities have also been developed: a mobile application named "eô" available and free to download on the Tisséo Collectivités website and a card game.

This project, carried out in close collaboration with associations of people with disabilities, responds to the provisions of the 2005 law to promote access to public transit at all types of users regardless of their disability.

The project offers also the opportunity to awaken the local culture with symbols that are linked to the origins of places in the heart of the metro, narrating little stories.


Some examples can be found on the Tisséo Collectivités website at