Apply for the 2nd edition of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK MOBILITYACTION Award
Organisations, businesses, academic entities, institutions, and others with sustainable mobility management plans can apply for the second edition of the MOBILITYACTION Award, which is managed by POLIS as part of the European Secretariat of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK (EMW). The submission period remains open throughout the month of October 2023. POLIS and the secretariat encourage you to participate in the campaign by registering your MOBILITYACTIONs and applying for the award through a published MOBILITYACTION related to mobility management.
What are MOBILITYACTIONs and why are they awarded?
The promotion of sustainable urban mobility is the core of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK campaign, which remains an important pillar for POLIS and the wider European sustainable urban mobility grassroots movement for more than 20 years. Various policy and planning solutions exist for cities, such as sustainable urban mobility plans, traffic circulation plans and long-term public transport investment strategies. Non-state actors have other solutions at hand. One of these solutions involves the concept of mobility management plans, which highlights the ways an entity facilitates sustainable mobility for their customers, employees, students, and goods. Furthermore, MOBILITYACTIONS are part of the campaign supporting sustainable transport and mobility management initiatives year-round (outside of Mobility Week) and including non-city actors.
MOBILITYACTIONs provides a platform within the campaign for organisations, institutions and other entities such as regions and collaborations between groups – to publish initiatives, concrete actions and permanent measures. Registration allows the promotion of efforts and events as well as the sharing of best practices to inspire others. The award aims to place a spotlight on MOBILITYACTIONs that revolve around mobility management and also considers criteria such as the annual theme 'Save Energy’, innovation, and transferability. You can read more about MOBILITYACTIONS and register your initiatives year-round here.
What actions are awarded and who will select the winners?
The MOBILITYACTION Award rewards participants who demonstrate excellence in mobility management, which includes mobility plans, as well as measures and strategies which have a notable impact on sustainable mobility. A selected jury of mobility experts will pick three finalists after the submission period has ended on 31 October. These three finalists will be invited to the award ceremony in Spring 2024 in Belgium, during which the winner will be announced live on stage.
Get inspired by last year’s winner and receive further information about previous finalists here.
You can apply for the award through an approved MOBILITYACTION. Detailed information on the award can be found in the 'Call for Applications', which is available on the MOBILITYACTION Award page.