3rd Polis-ALICE Urban Freight public-private dialogue meeting
Polis-ALICE members-only meeting!
At this event, Polis members and private freight operators will convene to discuss common challenges and collaborative solutions in the field of urban freight. This meeting is part of the Polis-ALICE Urban Freight Strategic dialogue.
Building on the success of the first two POLIS-ALICE strategic dialogue meetings, the workshop will focus on some of the most pressing challenges that local authorities are facing when it comes to managing urban freight, such as:
- Cooperation and consolidation: micro-hubs and cargo bike deliveries
- Electrification of urban freight fleets
- Data sharing and analysis for evidence-based measures
- Effective enforcement measures for efficient urban freight distribution
- Optimization of flows: off peak and night deliveries
This event is taking place back-to-back with the 2019 Annual Polis Conference. In this framework, there will be two UF-related sessions on the 27th (1F, 2F, see programme here), and a site visit at the L’Oréal-Proximus city hub on the 28th afternoon.
Practical information
- Where: Polis office, Rue du Trone 98, 1050 Brussels
- When: 29 November 2019, 09:00 - 16:00
For more information, please contact Giacomo Lozzi (POLIS) and Fernando Liesa (ALICE).