Polis Working Group meeting - Clean Vehicles & Air Quality
The next meeting of the Polis Working Group on Clean Vehicles & Air Quality (WG CV & AQ) will take place on 5 & 6 February 2020 in Brussels.
During this meeting, Polis members will get the opportunity to exchange on air quality and vehicles emissions.
The first day (5th February) will be dedicated to direct exchanges between cities and regions. Polis members will have the opportunity to discuss their respective Air Quality strategies, plans and measures (e.g. Low Emission Zone, road access restriction) and their impact on mobility. The issues related to planning, implementation, enforcement and measurement will be covered. Specific examples will be presented and direct discussions will take place.
During the morning of the second day, experts (DG GROW, ICCT, VUB, TNO) will be invited to present the context regarding vehicles' emissions and the current (and upcoming) legislations.
In the afternoon, Polis members will start the work on a position paper on road vehicles' emissions. The aim of this meeting will be to define the exact scope of the position paper, to decide on the major elements to be included and to start the drafting process.
Registrations for Polis members only, via the members' area at: https://polisnetwork.civi-go.net/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=59