ERTRAC workshop on climate-neutral road transport by 2050
ERTRAC, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, is organising a workshop on its "well-to-wheel study on achieving climate-neutral road transport by 2050".
The authors of the study will present the methodology and the results of the study and discuss these with the audience.
The workshop programme presents itself as follow:
- Welcome and introduction - Stephan Neugebauer, BMW Group, ERTRAC Chairman
- Efficiency Measures and Powertrain scenarios - Peter Prenninger, AVL - Staffan Lundgren, Volvo Group
- Fuel scenarios and fuel production paths - Marta Yugo, CONCAWE
- Key questions and results - Jette Krause, EC Joint Research Centre - Roland Dauphin, CONCAWE
- Conclusions - Prof. Zissis Samaras, LAT - Simon Edwards, RICARDO
- General discussion
The workshop will take place online on the GoToMeeting platform from 9:00 to 12:00 Brussels time.
To join the meeting, just click on on the day of the event.
ERTRAC, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, is the European technology platform that brings together road transport stakeholders. ERTRAC develops a common vision for road transport research in Europe and roadmaps outlining how to achieve it.
POLIS is leading ERTRAC's Working Group on Urban Mobility and the communications activities of FUTURE-HORIZON, the Coordination and Support Action of ERTRAC.
For more information, please visit ERTRAC's website.