10/10/2022 Brussels, Belgium

Cairgo Bike Stakeholder Meeting

An upcoming Cairgo Bike Stakeholder Meeting is planned on 10 October 2022. The meeting will allow participants to take stock of the successes and challenges met since the start of the project.

Apart from being zero emissions, traffic jam-reducing and fun, cargo bikes are great assets to manage the current energy crisis: something that the city of Brussels has well in mind. Indeed, Cairgo Bike was launched in the Spring of 2021 to improve Brussels' air quality by helping citizens and professionals switch to cargo bikes.

The upcoming Cairgo Bike Stakeholder Meeting will take place for 9 AM to 1 PM CEST on 10 October 2022 in Brussels, at BIP (Brussels Info Place) - Salle Zinneke, Place Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels.

The draft agenda features the following talking points:

  • 09:15  Putting citizens and professionals in the saddle: challenges and successes
    Discussion panel with urbike, Pro Velo, VUB, Bruxelles Environnement and participants to the trainings
  • 10:00  Leasing or buying: which systems were put in place during the project?
    Yves Rigole (cambio), Texas Vandervliet (Remorquable) and Michèle Blum (Bruxelles Economie et Emploi)
  • 10:30  Developping dedicated parking space for cargo bikes, an essential but complex task
    Geoffrey Usé (Parking.brussels) and Hadrien de Wasseige (BePark)
  • 11:05  And elsewhere in Belgium?
  • 11:35  To the moon and back ! How can we move boundaries until the end of the project? And beyond?
    Speed-dating with the partners of the Cairgo Bike project


Eager to know more about Urban Freight?

Please check the page of the POLIS Working Group on Urban Freight

You can contact Raffaele Vergnani for any questions on the subject.




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