20/06/2019 Brussels, Belgium

10 YEARS OF ELENA - supporting investments in energy efficiency and sustainable transport

The European Investment Bank, in close cooperation with the European Commissione, organises a half day conference followed by a cocktail reception on Thursday 20 June 2019 at the Sofitel Europe, Brussels.

The conferene marks the 10 year anniversary of ELENA, the ‘European Local Energy Assistance’ (ELENA) facility jointly led by the EIB and the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme.

During the political opening session, high-level representatives from the EIB and the EC will provide participants details of their experiences related to the implementation of energy efficiency investment in Europe. The second panel session includes an interactive discussion between the panellists on their lessons learnt and expectations for the future.

Discover the full conference programme here.

To attend, please register online by 13 June, participation is free of charge.


