SLOCAT: 'COVID-19 and the sustainable transport community' information hub
We, as the sustainable, low carbon transport community, must reflect on the significant implications the pandemic is currently having on how we move people and goods, as well as what this will mean for the future of transport. As a community, we must ensure that we use this pivotal moment to advance our vision for more equitable, accessible, and low carbon transport systems, while working together to do our part in combating the spread of COVID-19.
SLOCAT is gathering relevant information, resources, and virtual events on COVID-19 and its impacts on transport to help further this mission. This information page provides information on different themes, different modes of transport and the wider impact of COVID-19 on transport.
To see how sustainable transport events have been affected, please click here. For a list of webinars and online forums on COVID-19 and transport, please click here. Click here for an update from SLOCAT Secretary General Maruxa Cardama on the crisis.