Madrid announces new e-bikes to keep city moving post-lockdown
Madrid has announced a range of new measures to support urban mobility as lockdown begins to ease in the Spanish capital.
This week it was announced that nearly 5,000 electric bikes will be distributed to boost the city's public bike hire scheme (BiciMAD). The Madrid City Council is aiming to promote active in the city post-lockdown to reduce air pollution and increase the environmental sustainability of transport in the city. This will increase the number of e-bikes in Madrid by three-fold.
The city is also taking steps to recognise the efforts of the transport sector during the crisis. Taxi drivers who volunteered to transport vulnerable people or key goods will be recognised with a new vinyl sticker on their vehicle to recognise their efforts. More than 16,000 taxi drivers will receive the badge for their free services offered during lockdown. Tributes are also being paid to the efforts of the more than 100 volunteers who helped to keep the city's public transport service moving during lockdown, carrying out actions such as connecting health workers to hospitals.