COVID-19: Keeping Things Moving

Brussels adjusts public transport and parking; launches new information portal

To adapt to the crisis, Brussels' public transport company STIB is increasing frequencies of routes serving hospitals and care facilities, as well as increasing services at peak hours,whenthe majority of home-to-work journeys are made. Other non-essential lines are reducing frequencies or being interrupted in order to limit non-essential journeys and allow driving personnel to concentrate their efforts on meeting priority needs.

In order to guarantee sufficient social distance, STIB is limiting the number of passengers inside the vehicles and encouraging passengers not to sit next to each other, respecting a 1.5 m safety distance. Moreover, on-board ticket sales and cash payments have been suspended to limit the spread of the virus.

On 7 April, national rules came into effect in Brussels meaning that all charging for regulated on-street parking would be suspended during the lockdown period. You can find out more here.

You can read more about this measures in Brussels here.

In April, a new information portal on mobility and COVID-19 was launched by Brussels municipality. The portal is aimed at the public and businesses to provide certainty and answer questions and queries on mobility in Brussels during the COVID-19 outbreak. To view this portal and find out more information, please see here.

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