Bogotá launches safe cycle lanes and deploys free e-bikes for health workers
COVID-19 is shutting down urban transportation networks around the world. But to “flatten the curve” and save lives, critical frontline health workers still need to get to work.
In Bogotá, Colombia, the city is experimenting with providing emergency bikeways to help people get around safely. Over 35km of bike lanes have been provided, providing car-free access across the city for citizens. More recently the government is considering making these bike lanes permanent, which could have big implications for urban mobility after COVID-19.
A new initiative is laos providing free access to an e-bike fleet for medical workers as the city begins to shut down all non-essential travel.
On March 27, medical workers across the city began to receive electric bicycles from micromobility operator MUVO to facilitate their mobility and ability to provide life-saving services. MUVO agreed to repurpose its entire fleet of 400 bicycles, giving them over for personal use for one month initially, and Despacio, a local non-governmental organization, and NUMO, the New Urban Mobility alliance, agreed to co-fund operations. The city government is coordinating logistical support.
To read the full article, please see The City Fix website.