2012 - 2015


SmartFuSION was a public-private partnership aimed to evaluate the technical and logistical feasibility of introducing fully electric vehicles and the second generation of hybrid truck technology in last-mile operations and the related urban/inter-urban shipment processes.

SmartFuSION brought together technology providers and supply chain providers and was built upon black car in a parking lotexisting urban freight development strategies from three demonstration city regions: Berlin, New Castle upon Tyne and the Lombardy Region.

The project also built a European network of industry stakeholders that includes academics, policymakers and industry experts who can jointly work towards achieving this vision. It deployed a monitoring and impact assessment system that identifies challenges and compares the current yellow and black number 5situation to the desired situation in the future, mapping out future actions.

SmartFuSION focused on developing solutions in low-emission technology, green planning/routing, urban logistics and freight policies for the regions it covered. It delivered new system architecture for clean urban logistics and developed a new concept for hybrid trucks similar to hybrid buses, which involves operating the trucks in two shifts for increased efficiency.

The project’s systems and solutions, including electric and/or hybrid vehicles, were tested successfully and were proved viable, earning local and national awards. In parallel, the project team explored relevant business models and business model frameworks to ensure commercial viability. These radically new solutions may represent the beginning of a paradigm shift for EU freight transport.

The project was funded by the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport through the FP7 Programme.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's CORDIS page.
