Workshop on cycling safety and ITS
The VRUITS project, which is sponsored by the European Commission (DG MOVE), will deliver recommendations regarding ITS applications for improving the safety and mobility of vulnerable road users/VRU. VRUITS is assessing the societal impact of selected ITS applications and demonstrating the use of innovative ITS applications for VRUs.
In Helmond, the VRUITS project will demonstrate how vehicles and cyclists can communicate with each other: vehicle drivers receive warnings of possible collisions with cyclists and the vehicle brakes automatically to avoid the collision; cyclists also receive a warning.
During the workshop, the VRUITS partners will discuss how ITS can be used to improve cycling safety. The use of Cooperative ITS for cyclists will receive specific emphasis. At the end of the seminar the participants will be able to visit the VRUITS Helmond test site.
To register and for further information about the workshop, including the agenda, please visit the VRUITS website.