VSV's Road Safety Summer School 2015 - Mechelen, Belgium, 24 - 28 August 2015
The European Road Safety Summer School 2015 is an initiative of the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV), the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) of Hasselt University and the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). It will take place from 24 until 28 August 2015 in Mechelen (near Brussels), Belgium.
To learn about an integrated approach to road safety, based on good examples from European countries, within a short time and using intensive methods, group discussions and ample networking and knowledge exchange opportunities.
Who should attend?
The European Road Safety Summer School 2015 is targeted at professionals dealing with road safety issues and wanting to expand their knowledge and expertise in this field: staff at national, regional or local authorities, road safety interest groups, police, spatial planning and road infrastructure departments, members of consultation committees, engineering offices, public transport, road administrations, researchers ...
For more information: http://www.vsv.be/road-safety-summer-school-2015