
Visit the best performing European cities in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning with the BUMP project

Local Authorities across Europe have been developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) as part of their work on the BUMP project.

You now have the opportunity to win a place on a trip to visit one of these pioneer cities, to find out how they have gone about this, what they have learned along the way and ultimately look at ways of replicating the BUMP approach in your area. From the lessons learnt and incisive and structured knowledge transfer you will be able to critically examine ways that the SUMP approach can be adapted and made scalable to your situation.

Who can apply?

Local Authority staff and decision makers from EU countries, as well as Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Albania and Turkey.

Discover the BUMP Pioneers around Europe, choose a city, and apply as a Local Authority’s representative for a study visit.

  • Application deadline: November 20, 2015.

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