Urbanism Next Europe: Moving ahead, to Spring 2021!
As a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak and for the best interest of Participants, Speakers, Sponsors and Partners, Polis Network, the Urbanism Next Center at the University of Oregon, the New Urban Mobility Alliance NUMO and the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research TNO, as well as the City of Rotterdam and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, have collectively decided to postpone Urbanism Next Europe to Spring 2021.
The Call for Sessions & Speakers for Urbanism Next Europe was incredibly successful – the Urbanism Next Europe Program Committee has received and evaluated almost 140 European and international high-level proposals addressing a wide array of topics, from cargo bikes to drone deliveries.
The #UNextEU Team wishes for Urbanism Next Europe to happen in full force in Spring 2021 in Rotterdam, and for it to become a memorable event. For this reason, the Team is finalizing the details for the new date and will share more information about its plans soon.
For an official statement, please visit Urbanism Next Europe Website Homepage: https://europe.urbanismnext.org/.
For questions, please, do not hesitate to contact agiorgiutti@polisnetwork.eu.
Stay healthy, stay strong, and get ready for #WhatsNext: Spring 2021!