Urban freight roadmap launched at ERTRAC 2015 Annual Conference
Some 200 automotive and road transport researchers gathered at this week’s annual ERTRAC conference. ERTRAC, as the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, provides a platform to develop a vision for road transport research in Europe. Polis is a member of ERTRAC and chair of the Urban Mobility Workign Group.
At the conference, ERTRAC’s Working Groups presented the research needs identified in continuous work. Stakeholders from industry, researchers and representatives of national and local authorities are collaborating in ERTRAC to identify the research needs related to the three topics of Powertrains (engines, fuels, and electrification), Connectivity and automated driving and Infrastructures, urban mobility and freight that were on the agenda.
In these three strategic sessions, the following ERTRAC Working Group leaders and invited high-level speakers from industry and the European Commission exchanged information and ideas on the research and innovation priorities. Please find the list of speakers and the presentations given at the ERTRAC website: http://www.ertrac.org/index.php?page=2015conference
The ERTRAC conference also marked the official release of its latest research roadmaps on urban freight and automated driving. The roadmaps will contribute to the definition of research programmes involving cities, industry, retail, logistics service providers, supported by Horizon 2020, the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.
Access the roadmaps here: