UNECE's Inland Transport Committee exchanged on urban transportation challenges
The Inland Transport Committee (ITC)
The 77th session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) was held from 24 to 26 February in Geneva. This annual meeting brings together UNECE member states and relevant intergovernmental bodies and other associations including the International Transport Forum and the European Commission for example. UNECE's transport Working Parties reported on their activities towards the Committee. This includes the uptake and implementation on legal instruments but also on programmes such as THE PEP, to which Polis contributes (also see related presentation on Polis cooperation with THE PEP).
The meeting's annotaded agenda is availabe here.
On the ocassion of the 77th annual ITC meeting UNECE launched its new report "Sustainable Urban Mobility and Public Transport in UNECE capitals". The analysis draws on data from 34 capital cities, and looks at the demand for urban mobility and its distribution between the different transport modes vis‐à‐vis the accessibility and comfort provided through urban public transport. It addresses traffic congestion, road safety and environmental pollution including climate change as well as popularity of the non‐motorized transport for urban mobility. It further considers the affordability of urban transport.
The Policy Segment on urban mobility
The 77th session was opened by the policy segment dedicated to “Rethinking sustainable urban transport and mobility to meet the challenges of a new era”. High level government and transport sector representativesfrom across the globe attended the meeting and elaborated the role of the national level to support a more sustainable urban mobility. Presentations highlighted issues and best practices throughout the UNECE region, guided by the question: How do cities develop sustainable urban transport models which allow for safe, environmentally friendly and affordable transportation?
The programme and presentations given during the session are available for download here: http://www.unece.org/trans/events/2015/itc77_policy_segment.html
More information
- More information on UNECE's transport activities can be found here: http://www.unece.org/trans/welcome.html
- Contact: Dagmar Köhler, dkoehler@polisnetwork.eu or regarding THE PEP Florinda Boschetti, fboschetti@polisnetwork.eu