Two new projects dealing with cooperative systems
Both are Coordination and Support Actions, which means that there is no research, development nor demonstration activity; rather the focus is on understanding user needs, building scenarios for deployment and attempting to map the development of this technology area.
- CIMEC is a two-year project focused on C-ITS in cities. It is led by the Norwegian research institute, SINTEF, and involves four cities: Trondheim, Reading, Bilbao and Kassel. Other partners are UTMC, OCA and of course Polis.
- CODECS is a three-year project which builds on the activities of the Amsterdam Group (multi-stakeholder group involving vehicle manufacturers, highway authorities and operators and Polis).
Within both projects, Polis will be reaching out to other cities and regions with an interest in C-ITS. Joint workshops will be organised in order to bring in a wider range of views and user requirements.
If you are interested in knowing more about the CIMEC and/or CODECS, please contact Suzanne Hoadley.