
TRACE project: report of 2nd Take-Up Group meeting, Brussels 02 February 2017

The meeting started with a welcome address by TRACE project manager Paulo Ferreira who introduced the participants to the project. Joao Barreto form TIS and Jeroen Blom from Ijsberg presented respectively Biklio and Positive Drive apps. Stephanie Keßler from LuxMobility presented the TRACE evaluation plan with its relative set of objectives being evaluated in the pilot cities; Kate Pangbourne from the Institute for Transport Studies (University of Leeds) presented the mobility behaviour change and evaluation as developed by the EU funded project MyWay and highlighted some lessons that could be used for Trace; Jan Christiaens introduced the TRACE edition of Traffic Snake Game (with 90 trackers, 4 receivers and a website that is integrated with the campaign website) and the evaluation aspects being developed by the campaign.

Field Testing of TRACE Apps: two groups tested each tool on their mobiles while cycling, Biklio, and walking, Positive Drive.

During the on-site field testing in Brussels the Take-Up group participants were split into two homogenous groups in order to alternatively join both Bilkio’s cycling test and the Postive Drive’s walking tour. Participants had to download both the apps on their personal mobile in order to test themselves the tools. The field testing of TRACE apps took approximately one hour. Fake rewards and prizes were foreseen both for Biklio and for Positive drive.

World Café on evaluation - discussion groups

In order to facilitate discussion and collect valuable feedback on the field test of the apps and their future implementation in the pilots, four World tables Cafes on four different topics have been set up in the afternoon. The tables were organised in such a way that ‘guests’ were invited to discuss about one of four given topics in structured conversational process. Participants rotated from one table to the next. This approach allowed to have four interactive discussions per session for each of the four topics:

  • Behaviour change campaigns and data for planning – how does this go together?
  • From pilot to long-term campaign – prolonging the life of a campaign – what do users or stakeholders need? How can you keep them engaged after the pilot?
  • Different pilots – different data. What could be common elements of the TRACE evaluation?
  • Data collection methods and data quality

To read the full report and download the presentations, please visit the TRACE website here.