
TIDE Workshop on Cutting-edge solutions for advanced cities in Leipzig

The European TIDE project closely cooperates with leading cities that have implemented innovative mobility measures and are willing to share their advanced experience and knowledge with interested learning cities. In return, TIDE wants to offer these pioneer cities a platform to discuss cutting edge mobility solutions with their peers.

This workshop will bring together the TIDE partner cities as well as a selection of other European frontrunner cities in the field of urban mobility.

The Cutting-edge solutions for advanced cities workshop will take place on Thursday 28 May 2015 in the Neues Rathaus/New City Hall - Martin-Luther-Ring – Leipzig, in conjunction with the Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum.

An outline of the workshop can be found here. The final agenda will be provided as soon as possible on the TIDE website: For more information and to register, contact Yannick Bousse at