
The first SWITCH newsletter is online

In addition to positive environmental effects, people individually and communities as a whole, can benefit from positive health improvements. The personalised approach is supported by the application of information and communication technologies for motivation, gaming and behavioural change measurement.

Composed of an enthusiastic team of experts and implementing cities, SWITCH is using its expertise to promote alternative transport for citizens in a period of lifechange. As explained on our website, SWITCH will not only elaborate and implement targeted local campaigns, we will also use lessons learnt to define guidelines and clear methodology to help replicate such campaigns across Europe.

We know that each city is specific. But a common framework can be defined for targeting particular groups of citizens, ensuring that the campaign is well delivered and followed by switchers, while effectively monitoring results. This will allow decisionmakers to analyse the impacts of their campaigns in terms of both individual and societal benefits.

Read our newsletter

This first issue presents a brief summary of the health benefits to be realised by active travel and introduces you to our SWITCH cities(Antwerp, Don ostia / San Sebastian, Gdansk, London Borough of Hounslow and Vienna) and their local campaigns.

  • You can download the newsletter here.
  • You can subscribe to newsletter and receive next issues in your mailbox! Sign up on our website:

Enjoy reading!