
The 11th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards

The Award will be open to spatial planners and municipalities from the 47 European Countries of the Council of Europe.

Three categories of entries are considered:

  1. 1. Strategic Planning
  2. 2. Smart mobility within cities and territories
  3. 3. Energy efficiency and spatial planning

For category 2 "Smart mobility within cities and territories", the expert jury will specifically look for projects:

  • Demonstrating the role of spatial planning in enhancing accessibility within cities and territories.
  • Enhancing opportunities for pedestrian, cyclists and public transport.
  • Enhancing energy efficiency and better public spaces sharing.
  • Enhancing real innovations or new insights with real alternatives to get away from conventional traffic management.

Jury composition:

President of the Jury: Petter Wiberg, ECTP-CEU – Norway


  • Hella Dunger-Löper, Plenipotentiary of the Land of Berlin for Federal and European Affairs, Representative of the Committee of the Regions and the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Territorial Cohesion Policy, Germany
  • Isabelle Maës, Policy Officer European Commission DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE)
  • Pirouz Nourian, Lecturer & Researcher of Urban Design Informatics at TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, the Netherlands
  • Isabel Girault, Directrice Générale de l’Office de l’urbanisme de la République et du Canton de Genève, Switzerland
  • Hugh Ellis, Spatial Planner from TCPA
  • Dominique Lancrenon, ECTP-CEU Secretary General, France

Deadline of reception of all entries: 31 January 2016.

Download the Call for entries and Submission form.

Entries should be sent to ECTP-CEU in electronic format:

The Celebration Ceremony takes place at the Committee of the Regions (Brussels) late spring 2016.

For more information, visit