
Technology meets policy: join the Polis-EPA parking Workshop in Berlin - 22 September

To create a better understanding between the different actors in parking activities, the European Parking Association (EPA) and Polis have established a partnership to discuss the interaction of urban transport and parking activities. Both organisations regularly exchange information and expertise about making parking in cities better. As part of their creating an interchange of ideas, Polis and EPA organised a successful seminar in Stuttgart – 2011, Helsinki - 2012, Dublin – 2013, Lisbon – 2014. The next event will take place in Berlin on the 22nd of September, on the day before the bi-annual EPA Congress.

For this event, EPA and Polis cooperate with the Push and Pull Project. The project aims to improve urban mobility by means of parking space management combined with mobility management (MM) measures. By introducing paid parking, increasing parking fees, reducing or restraining parking supply or implementing comparable measures, car drivers will be pushed to use more sustainable transport. At the same time, (parts of) the income generated from parking space management can be used for incentives to promote alternatives, thus pulling or attracting users towards public transport, walking, cycling and other sustainable modes which is the "core-funding mechanism".

The project includes implementations in 8 cities / locations which incl. measures of parking space management and mobility management. All implementers set up the core-funding mechanism to use money gained from parking to finance mobility management. Further, training sessions for followers will be organised in 16 countries.

On the agenda: smart parking: policy meets technology. The Push and Pull cities develop smart policies for parking. What has the technology sector to offer to support such strategies?

For more information, including the draft programme and registration information, visit