SUMP Award: Webinar and launch of the 5th SUMP Award
The webinar will be open to all local authorities interested in taking part in the competition for the 5th SUMP Award and will provide information about:
- the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK framework, in which the SUMP Award is organised;
- the SUMP Award scheme;
- the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
- the 5th SUMP theme: "Freight in sustainable urban mobility planning", and;
- the application documents and the selection process.
Time will be allocated for questions and answers. Additionally, the European secretariat in charge of the SUMP Award will interract with local authorities on Twitter, using the hashtag: #SUMPAwardInfo during the whole day in order to respond to further questions.
To register and join the webinar, click here (meeting number: 952 985 706; meeting password: SUMP)
More information about the SUMP Award: and