Stay tuned! We're launching soon the first Call for cities and regions working in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning to join the SUMPs-Up Innovation Pilot Pool of mobility experts
The Innovation Pilot Pool at a glance
The Innovation Pilot Pool is ta selected group of 100 Planning authorities which will test and assess the effectiveness of concepts, approaches, tools and methodologies for SUMP development in real conditions at the local and regional level.
The selection of IPP members will be made through a series of Calls for Applications. CIVITAS SUMPs-Up will publish:
- Three annual calls to recruit a total of 90 Planning authorities Expert Group
- One call to recruit 10 Planning authorities Leadership Group
The 90 selected authorities will participate in one SUMP Learning Programme "class" that will launch in the respective year of the call.
The 10 authorities selected at once through the call for in-depth SUMP development will have the opportunity to take part in multiple and/or all five SUMP Learning Programme modules over three years, from 2017 to 2019.
2017 Calls for Applications
This April SUMPs-UP will launch:
- The first Call for Applications for 40 authorities Expert Group
- The Call for Applications for 10 authorities Leadership Group
Who can apply?
The following authorities may apply for the IPP:
- Any urban authority of a local administrative unit active in sustainable transport planning established in a Member State (MS) of the European Union (EU) according to the degree of urbanisation as city, town or suburb.
- Any association or grouping of urban authorities of local administrative units active in sustainable transport planning established in a Member State (MS) of the European Union (EU). This can include associations or groupings of public authorities, agencies and companies, NGOs and advocacy groups working in partnership in the same city or region.
Cities and planning authorities which are already partnering in SUMPs-Up or similar CIVITAS 2020 Initiatives are not eligible.
SUMPs-Up has a fund of EUR 805,000 for subcontracting planning authorities within the Innovation Pilot Pool (IPP). Two funding schemes exist. Detailed infomation will be given in the Terms of Reference.
Where can I find more information?
A single URL: All documents will be made available on this page.
To learn more about the SUMPs-Up Innovation Pilot Pool (IPP) and the SUMP Learning Programme, please contact the SUMPs-Up IPP Helpdesk: