
Stakeholder workshop for the preparation of EU guidance documents on urban logistics

A stakeholder workshop in the framework of the preparation of EU non-binding guidance documents on urban logistics will take place on the 17th of January 2017 from 09h to 12h30 at the Conference Centre Albert Borschette, 1040-Brussels, Rues Froissart 36, Room 3A.

The European Commission (Directorate General for Mobility and Transport) has launched a study to facilitate the preparation of non-binding guidance documents (NBGD) on six specific aspects of urban logistics policies, as announced in the Communication “Together towards competitive and resource efficient urban mobility”, COM(2013) 913 Final.

In order to complete this work, the study team ensures close collaboration with stakeholders; e.g. via an online consultation and meetings in Brussels. Hence the team is taking account of different interests and views in a balanced way. The next stakeholder workshop is intended to collect feedback on the drafts of two NBGDs. The third batch of two NBGD topics, out of 6 in total, to be covered in this workshop are:

  • Topic 5: Green and efficient urban logistics vehicles
  • Topic 6: Data collection methodologies for urban freight policy

It is possible to register for this workshop by the 6th of January 2017 at latest. A confirmation of your participation will follow by the 13th, as the draft guidance documents discussed at the meeting. The online registration form can be retrieved via:
