
Stakeholder consultation on EU guidelines on urban logistics

The European Commission recognises the importance of tackling negative impacts of urban freight transport, while respecting the freedom of national, regional and local governments to develop approaches locally. Initiative 33 of the White Paper identified the need for an increased policy attention to urban logistics. Moreover, the Commission's 2013 Communication "Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility" was accompanied by the Staff Working Document (SWD) "A call to action on urban logistics”. These two documents set out current and future thinking on urban logistics policies. The need to develop non-binding guidance documents (NBGD) on urban logistics was part of this SWD.

A consortium formed by Ecorys, University of Antwerp, University of Lisbon and Prof. Dablanc of IFFSTAR is responsible for the study on facilitating the preparation of European non-binding guidance documents (NBGD) on urban logistics.

The consortium hereby kindly invites you to an online consultation, which is part of the study. The aim of this questionnaire is to identify key urban logistics challenges and user expectations regarding the upcoming non-binding guidance documents.

The consultation is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German. Confidentiality rules are in place and anonymity is guaranteed. Completing this questionnaire will take up to 15 minutes.

The questionnaire is available here.