SOLUTIONS Webinars throughout November and December 2015
SOLUTIONS Webinars series:
Electric Vehicles for cleaner cities – 13 November 2015 (15:00 – 16:00 CET)
Presenter: Hanna Hüging, Research Associate at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Many cities strive for a cleaner vehicle fleet, whether the aim is to improve the municipal fleet (including public transport vehicles) or to encourage residents to choose alternatively fuelled or electric vehicles over conventionally fuelled vehicles. This interactive webinar will provide an introduction to EVs as well as guidance on how to increase the use of EVs in urban environments. Options on fostering EV deployment and examples from cities around the world will be discussed.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans – 18 November 2015 (15:00 – 16:00 CET)
Presenter: Tim Durant, Consultant at Rupprecht Consult
The concept of sustainable urban mobility planning goes beyond traditional transport planning, emphasising the involvement of citizens and stakeholders, policy coordination between sectors and authority levels, and between neighbouring authorities. This interactive webinar offers an overview of the SUMP concept, with further group discussion focused on case examples and transferability to a variety of local context conditions.
Sustainable Public Transport Date: Thursday 3 December 2015 (15:00-16:00 CET)
Presenter: Saúl Alveano, Transport Systems Department at EMBARQ Mexico
While there are many ways to improve and extend sustainable public transport in cities throughout the world, this webinar will explore two of them: bus rapid transit (BRT) and clean vehicles. Corresponding technology, cost-efficiency issues and relevant examples will be discussed. Methods for identifying a city’s long-term public transport needs and developing feasible measures to meet these needs will also be introduced.
Light Electric Vehicles for cleaner cities – 08 December 2015 (15:00 – 16:00 CET)
Presenter: Annick Roetynck, Light Electric Vehicle Policy Manager at AVERE (The European Association for Electromobility)
Today, many trips that are carried out using conventional cars could be done by Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). This would make (urban) transport much more sustainable. Emissions would “evaporate”, congestion would be reduced, transport would become safer, quieter and cheaper and public health would improve. Overall, replacement of car trips by LEV trips would make our cities much more liveable. This interactive webinar will provide you with a wealth of information on LEVs and on how to promote their uptake and use.
Participants need to register for the webinars (free of charge).
Regristration details can be found on the SOLUTIONS website: