
'Smart, Innovative & Sustainable urban mobility', Brussels 23 November 2016

The conference will be opened by Henrik Hololei (Director-General, European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport) and Normunds Popens (Deputy Director-General, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy).

It will be an opportunity to meet cities, innovative demonstration projects, practitioner networks, financing organizations, the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities (the Urban Mobility Cluster) and/or cities investing Structural Funds on urban mobility challenges.

There will be the possibility to learn about the state of the art in innovative and tested urban transport solutions like electric buses, cleaner logistics, infrastructure, walking and cycling, mobility planning and new mobility services. Urban mobility experts and experienced practitioners will bring in their knowledge on the development and implementation of innovative mobility solutions.

This event is also a great opportunity to share and to develop integrated plans (like SUMPs), how to invest in and how to grow smart city mobility in our cities, and shape Europe's smart city mobility future!

Further information will be published soon on the following website: