Smart, Innovative & Sustainable urban mobility, Brussels 23 November 2016
The event will bring together the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities, transport innovators and Communities and cities investing European Structural and Investment Funds on urban mobility challenges and will be opened by Henrik Hololei, Director-General at DG MOVE and Mr Normunds Popens, Deputy Director-General at DG REGIO.
Attendance in this highly interactive workshop will offer you an opportunity to meet cities, innovative demonstration projects, practitioner networks, financing organisations, the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities (the Urban Mobility Cluster) and/or cities investing Structural Funds on urban mobility challenges.
You will be able to learn about the state of the art in innovative, and tested urban transport solutions like electric buses, cleaner logistics, shared mobility, walking and cycling, and new mobility services. Urban mobility experts and experienced practitioners will bring in their knowledge on the development and implementation of innovative mobility solutions, on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPS), on financing (EIB and private investors) and on tools for knowledge sharing (e.g. CIVITAS and URBACT).
There is also an opportunity to meet representatives of EU actions in urban mobility; URBACT, European Commission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA - Horizon2020 and CEF funding), CIVITAS (linking Horizon2020 funded projects and support), EIP Smart cities (Urban Mobility Action Cluster in electric mobility and smart mobility services) and Innovative Actions (funding scheme for cities).
The 3 key questions addressed by the conference are:
- What are the main investment opportunities in smart, innovative and sustainable city mobility?
- What are barriers to invest in (new) urban mobility solutions (services, cleaner vehicles) that cities and suppliers experience?
- How could connecting cities from different groups – like the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities (the Urban Mobility Cluster), transport innovators and cities investing Structural Funds on urban mobility challenges - overcome these barriers?
The event is organised back to back with the annual meeting of the 6 Action Clusters of the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities on the 22 November 2016. For more information about this event, please visit the website.
Registration is free of charge and subject to confirmation.