
Smart Cities Events in Gothenburg: Urban trends, Mobility, ElectriCity project launch

While the eyes of the world are turned towards Gothenburg at the time of the Volvo Ocean Race finals, the city will turn into an "epicentre of green thinking" with a focus on sustainable urban development and energy-efficient mobility in and around the city.

As part of this initiative, three workshops and a seminar have been announced as an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas on global hot topics, with renowned specialists and innovators from all over the world as speakers and participants.

In particular, the ambitious ElectriCity project focusing on electric buses is being launched on 24 June, followed by a seminar the next day.

June 23

Urban challenges and trends

Programme and Reservation:

Reservation Code for free admission: Staden

June 24

Mobility in Smart Cities

Programme and Reservation:

Reservation Code for free admission: Staden

ElectriCity - Introducing a visionary public transport system

June 24

ElectriCity launch

June 25

ElectriCity seminar

Programme and reservation: