
SIMPLI-CITY project needs you: what is your opinion about transport apps?

SIMPLI-CITY is currently developing the technological foundation for bringing the 'app revolution' to road users. It provides road users with apps helping to make their journey safer, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly. The project supports developers to realise and sell their mobility-related apps and services.

Within SIMPLI-CITY, several mobility related apps for road-users will be developed during the next months. At the same time the project is developing an innovative speach based dialogue user interface that will allow users to download these apps and use them during their trips. In order to assure that the apps will succesfully tacke the users' needs, people are asked to get their personal opinion answering to a dedicated survey, available in English, German, Spanish and Italian.

The project is co-funded byt he European Commission in the Seventh Framework Programme.

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