
Seminar on Horizon 2020 to be held in Brussels

The full-day event aims to present new opportunities Horizon 2020 will offer and to support the engagement of regional players. After a general session presenting the main changes introduced by Horizon 2020 and what is at stake for regions, two thematic workshops will particularly focus on innovation in transport (chaired by Polis Secretary General Sylvain Haon) and on health and active aging.

The seminar will be followed by a cocktail reception. It is organised in the framework of the Ile-de- France Europe Days 2013.

Download the programme here.

In essence:

  • Wednesday, 13 November 2012
  • 11-17.30h
  • Rue Montoyer 10, 1000 Brussels
  • Interpretation into French and English

Participation is free of charge but prior registration online required.

More information: