
Second City Pool workshop on C-ITS and cities

This workshop was organised in the context of the European project CODECS. It saw presentations from the CODECS partners about the main C-ITS technology components and the new uses cases defined within the project as well as a presentation by the city of Rotterdam on the their plans and vision for C-ITS.

While the workshop agenda was established to create greater understanding of the technology components of C-ITS and to gather views on the new use cases defined by CODECS partners, it became clear from the small group discussions that this may have been too ambitious for the workshop participants. There is still a lack of understanding of how C-ITS can be used and how can local authorities plan for it. For instance, there were questions and discussions about how to make use of the C-ITS infrastructure in order to provide strategic advice to drivers, how to build road monitoring use cases for maintenance purposes, how to use C-ITS to improve compliance with traffic rules, among others.

The findings of and lessons from the workshop will be taken on board for the next City Pool workshop in November and will inform the CODECS report on city views and requirements. The next workshop will take place on 14 November in Barcelona and will be organised jointly with the CIMEC project.

The presentations from the workshop can be downloaded here.

For further information, contact Suzanne Hoadley