
SCALE is calling for Smart City Experts

Are you a Smart City Expert? Are you ready and willing to provide advice and technical support to the Smart Cities Communities Group? Then join the open and growing smart city family managed by SCALE initiative, to network, share and help build solutions at the European level.

SCALE is the Secretariat of the Smart Cities & Communities Lighthouse Group (SCC-LG), providing large-scale and long-term support for cities and projects involved in the H2020 SCC1 Lighthouse Group.

With 18 Lighthouse projects and 128 cities participating, SCALE will serve as a unifying element, networking and connecting all Smart City projects trying to improve the overall performance and enhance the significance of the Smart Cities and Communities Group by creating a supporting framework providing enhanced cooperation, design, communication, logistical support, consultations, and application of a stable governance approach.

SCALE has announced a call for experts for the smart city database, looking for highly skilled and motivated smart city professionals from all parts of Europe ready and willing to provide advice and technical support to the Smart Cities and Communities as well as to the European Commission on specific issues that cannot be answered or solved with the expertise of the partners directly involved in the projects.

The Call for Experts is an ongoing initiative of SCALE that aims to create a community of smart city experts that are ready and willing to provide their advice and technical support to the Smart Cities Communities Group, maximize the impact of smart city solutions at the European level, as well as supporting the European Commission and CINEA on smart city topics. SCALE's aim is to keep the smart city family open and growing and create a community that will network and share, but also work on specific assignments.

How can you participate?

We are looking for highly skilled and motivated smart city professionals from all parts of Europe that would join us in two steps:

  1. Join our LinkedIn Community here
  2. Fill out your Smart City Profile for further assignments here


Why should you join the Call for Experts?

Members of this community will receive regular updates on specific calls to which they can apply for and submit their ideas, solutions or provide other relevant expertise and services.

Who is the Call for Experts for?

The call is open to experts from all parts of Europe who:

  • have working experience in Smart City implementations projects
  • are/were involved in Smart City Lighthouse projects
  • have experience in the design and management of smart city related initiatives
  • are involved in relevant smart city or smart city-related networks


For any feedback or enquiries, please contact

Staff member(s)