
Save the date! First SUMPs-Up workshop - national urban mobility programmes, 26 September in Torres Vedras, Portugal

The workshop aims to illustrate the results of the analysis of national SUMP programmes which was conducted in collaboration with CIVITAS PROSPERITY.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to contribute to the development of future SUMPs-Up workshops based on planning authorities' needs in SUMP development and measures implementation.

The event is free to attend, but registration is required. A detailed agenda will follow soon. For questions and to register, contact thomas.durlin[AT]

SUMPs-Up is one of the three projects related to sustainable urban mobility plans under the European Union's CIVITAS 2020 initiative. It brings together eight partner organisations and seven partner cities, all of whom are seeking to help European cities to introduce cleaner and more sustainable mobility.

For more information about the project and upcoming events, please visit the project website.