Routecoach: Leuven's smart way to modal shift
You learn about what you would save (time, emissions, calories) when trying something else. But you also learn about your personal mobility lifestyle (personal statistics): what was the level of your CO2 emission last week, how many calories have you burned, what did your trips cost...
The more you and other users track their trips, the smarter RouteCoach will get, and the better the personal advices from the coach will be. The coach challenge you to collect point by tracking trips. You can also see how others score.
All the data collected will be used as input for the city of Leuven and the province of Flemish Brabant, both project partners. Policy makers will learn more about actual travel times, actual routes used, transportation choices and satisfaction. Bottlenecks and lessons learned will be used by policy makers. In this way, you can help to feed mobility planning as an individual.
RouteCoach is a demonstration within the European Interreg project NISTO ( Mobiel 21 and the University of Ghent are partners in a consortium of German, French, British and Dutch partners. The province of Flemish Brabant and the city of Leuven provide the necessary co-financing.
Download the app:
Info and contact: Elke Franchois, Mobiel 21,