Respond to the CoEXist survey on automation-readiness!
The European Horizon 2020 project CoEXist aims to systematically strengthen the capacities of road authorities and other stakeholders to prepare for the transition towards a shared road network with increasing share of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) at progressively higher automation levels.
To do so, CoEXist would like to learn more about practitioner’s opinion on automation related topics and to understand different perspectives towards CAVs, as well as their expected benefits and challenges. Therefore, the project partners would like to ask you to participate in this Automation-ready Online Survey, focusing on CAVs and their consideration in sustainable urban mobility planning.
Participation won’t take longer than 5 minutes.
Please visit for more information about the project, its activities and results. The survey's results will also be published on this website, on an anonymous basis, once the analysis is completed.
Thank you for your time and contribution!