Ravenna's Sustainable Mobility Plans get the city moving
When it comes to new sustainable mobility services, new POLIS member Ravenna is ahead of the game. The Italian city is expanding its offerings, placing the needs of its citizens at the centre of its plans.
Through its Sustainable mobility plans (PUMS), Ravenna is investing in clean, integrated transport services which ensure its citizens retain access to key employment, leisure and health services, while moving reliance away from passenger vehicles.
Public transport services are utilising the latest developments in mobility technology, with an App available to book bus stops, buy tickets and deliver live travel updates.
The city has also placed active travel at the heart of its plans, expanding cycling infrastructure with new cycle lanes and sharing schemes. Safety is also critical. Pedestrianisation has been implemented in many districts, with speed limits implemented.
Freight infrastructure is also being rapidly developed, with centralised depots and bike courier services expanded.
“After the approval of the Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan, the city of Ravenna has started the activities to achieve the established objectives,“ says Nicola Scanferla, Ravenna’s Mobility Planning Manager
Ravenna presented their cycling and walking achievements at the Active Travel Working Group meeting. Find out more here