QuietCities event in London
The event has five main objectives:
- Achieve a substantial increase in retimed deliveries
- Learn from best practice in the UK and globally
- Demonstrate that collaboration between business, regulators, operators and residents can lead to mutually advantageous change
- Showcase the solutions and technologies that make retiming deliveries a reality
- Launch a DHL quiet vehicle and a guidance document on how to start retiming
The event will bring together leaders from all stakeholder groups to shape the future of urban logistics. The key messages are:
- Retiming deliveries isn’t easy, but is achievable through collaborative working
- There are many benefits, not just for operators. Retiming deliveries can resolve issues for residents and cyclists too
- Deliveries occur 24/7 now, it occurs largely unnoticed, and more is possible
Further information on this event can be found at: www.quietcities.com