Public transport advances in Catalonia this Autumn
The Government of Catalonia puts in service in September three new more bus lines of the ‘’, two operating in Barcelona and one in Tarragona. '' operates Buses With High Level of Service in Catalonia. With these three new bus lines, 48% of the new network have been implemented (19 lines out of 40). The Government of Catalonia is investing 7M€ per year to implement ''.
Competitively prized tickets
Catalonia also introduces four new public transport tickets: T-10/120 (ten trips in 120 days) tickets provide discounts up to 50% to connect long distance areas of Catalonia, and make this fare category highly competitive to reduce the use of private car.
The new T-10/120 tickets cover the four bus corridors Figueres-Barcelona, Girona-Barcelona, Terres Ebre-Barcelona and Solsonès-Manresa. With these four new T-10/120 tickets a total of 25 different T-10/120 ticket options are available throughout Catalonia to connect longer distances. 98.5% of the catalan population liveswithin ticketing integration or T-10/120 tickets.