Prospects for C-ITS deployment in cities
These reports provide insight to:
- the views of cities regarding C-ITS,
- those C-ITS applications that could appeal to cities (to deliver traffic management and enforcement functions),
- what needs to be considered/explored for deployment to happen (integration, organisational issues, business model, etc)
- the views of the supplier market
- technical requirements, including standardisation.
This body of knowledge is quite unique and is intended to make the wider C-ITS community aware of the real challenges, requirements and opportunities for C-ITS in the urban environment, from the point of view of a city authority.
The relevant deliverables include:
- Requirements of urban transport authorities regarding cooperative V2I and I2V systems and their strategic policy implications - Dec. 2016- CODECS D4.2
- City status and requirements for C-ITS deployment (including results of ITS/C-ITS survey involving 50+ cities) – October 2016 - CIMEC D1.1
- C-ITS roadmap for European cities (draft) - CIMEC D3.2 - one pager in English, German and Spanish - CIMEC roadmap summary (16 pages)
- Supplier views on C-ITS derived from survey and outreach activities – May 2016 - CIMEC D2.3
- C-ITS standardisation requirements for the urban environment – Dec. 2016 - CIMEC D2.5
- Feasibility study on common technical specifications for interfacing the vehicle and urban traffic management system – Dec. 2016 - CODECS D4.3
For further information, visit the CIMEC or CODECS website or contact Suzanne Hoadley.