Polis will be at Autonomy's Urban Mobility Summit in Paris
Polis workshops and keynote at Autonomy & the Urban Mobility Summit in Paris:
- Key note by Karen Vancluysen, Polis Secretary General
- Dedicated Session "Electromobility roll-out in Cities" on Thursday, 18 October, from 14h20 to 15h05.
We hope to see all of you at LaGrande Halle de La Vilette in Paris from 18 to 20 0ctober 2018.
Autonomy offers the mobility ecosystem an innovative and collaborative platform onwhich thought leaders, policy makers, innovators and the public can discuss the innovative ideas and solutions that will change how we move in cities.
Thanks to our partnership with Autonomy, our community will benefit from a 30% discount on passes with the code AUTONOMYPOLIS2018.
Reserve your pass here: https://www.autonomy.paris/en/get-your-pass/