Polis position paper on the Urban Mobility package published
The Urban Mobility package is composed of the Communication “Together, towards competitive and resource efficient urban mobility” in Europe and five staff working documents (SUMPs, ITS, Road User charging, Safety and Urban logistics), all of which are addresses in the Polis position paper.
Polis welcomes the Communication and encourages a broad understanding if “resource efficient”, i.e. not only in relation to energy efficiency but also based on a good understanding of local particularities, existing network and infrastructure to optimize their use, and financial viability.
Polis reiterates its call for an integrated approach at EU level for policies related to urban mobility (environment, climate change, health, industry, research energy and transport). The key tool to achieve an integrated approach is Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Polis therefore strongly welcomes the fact that the Communication encourages SUMPs, in particular the fact that the annex on SUMP outlines a definition of the tool is a very important step in facilitating its EU- wide uptake. Polis strongly encourages the efforts to leverage action across all levels of government.
The European Union has a strong role to play with regards urban mobility, by enabling cities to implement the policy measures of their choice as efficiently as possible, by anticipating future challenges linked to urban mobility and by helping to bridge the urban mobility gap.
EU core action to support this agenda is threefold:
- Promoting best practice, experience and cooperation support dissemination of good practice and provide funding for urban mobility projects.
- Supporting R&D to deliver solutions for urban mobility challenges, notably thanks to funding through Research Framework Programmes.
- Providing targeted financial support: European funding programs should be used as an incentive for sustainable urban mobility plans, encouraging and funding their development.
More specifically, the EU also has a strong role to play first in developing key indicators in an urban mobility scoreboard. This should enable measuring performance and comparing analysis over time. Secondly, the EU must continue supporting the deployment of clean vehicles.
Read the full Polis position on the Urban Mobility Package: Polis position paper on the Urban Mobility Package.
read the European Commission documents: Urban Mobility Package.
for more information, please contact Cleo Davies: cdavies@polisnetwork.eu