Polis Official request to take part in the Urban Mobility Partnership under the Urban Agenda
This Urban Mobility Partnership was formally endorsed by the European Commission during the first week of October in Bratislava. The coordinator of this Partnership will be the city of Karlsruhe together with the Ministry of Infrastrcuture from Czech Republic.
By the end of this month, the cities representatives in this Partnership will have been adopted between EUROCITIES, CEMR and the EU Institutions.
The Urban Mobility Partnership coordinators will have then to select in December 2016 the stakeholders that should be involved in the Partnership. A first draft of the Partnerships' Action Plan (called Orientation Paper) shoud be prepared in January 2017, and should be discussed at the Council in March 2017.
Naturally, Polis has officially applied in order to feed in the discussion and orientation paper based on its members views and expertise, as well as Polis track record overall. This Partnership will also constitute one topic of the Polis internal Political Group Lunch Meeting in Rotterdam during Polis Annual conference, on 1st December 2016.
More information on the Urban Agenda in the newly created "one-stop-shop" website of the European Commission